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Why Having an Emergency Plan is Crucial for Your Business | SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

7/3/2024 (Permalink)

man in suit at computer working on a standard erp SERVPRO of East Brownsville & SPI is Here to Help® your business prepare for disaster with an updated ERP!
Prepare for the Unexpected

As a business owner, you understand the importance of being prepared for any situation. However, have you considered the impact of natural disasters on your business? The Gulf Coast of Texas, including East Brownsville and South Padre Island, is prone to hurricanes, floods, and other severe weather events. Having an emergency plan in place can make all the difference in protecting your business, employees, and assets.

Protect Your Assets and Ensure Continuity

Natural disasters can strike without warning, causing significant damage and disruption. An emergency plan helps you anticipate potential threats and outlines the steps necessary to protect your assets. This includes safeguarding important documents, securing your premises, and ensuring that critical data is backed up and accessible.

SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island specializes in disaster recovery and restoration. With years of experience in the Gulf Coast area, we know how vital it is for businesses to be prepared. By having a comprehensive emergency plan, you can minimize downtime and quickly resume operations, ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of adversity.

Safeguard Your Employees

Your employees are your most valuable resource, and their safety should be a top priority. An emergency plan includes clear instructions on evacuation procedures, emergency contacts, and first aid measures. Regular drills and training sessions will ensure that everyone knows their role and can act swiftly in an emergency.

In the event of a natural disaster, the well-being of your employees directly impacts the recovery process. SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island can assist you in developing an emergency plan that prioritizes the safety of your team, providing peace of mind for both you and your staff.

Maintain Customer Trust

Your customers rely on your business to provide consistent and reliable service. An effective emergency plan ensures that you can maintain communication and meet customer needs, even in challenging circumstances. By demonstrating your preparedness, you build trust and loyalty with your clientele.

During a disaster, clear communication is essential. Keep your customers informed about the status of your operations and any potential delays. A proactive approach shows that you value their business and are committed to maintaining high service standards, regardless of the situation.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

The time to prepare for a natural disaster is now. Don’t wait until a hurricane is approaching or flood waters are rising. Contact SERVPRO®= of East Brownsville & South Padre Island today to develop a tailored emergency plan for your business. Our expert team is ready to assist you in creating a strategy that ensures your business is ready for anything.

Protect your business, safeguard your employees, and maintain customer trust with a comprehensive emergency plan.

Visit our website to learn more about our services and for fast restoration after any disaster.

Protect Your Home from Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call
Easy Steps to Shield Your Home Against Nature’s Fury

Living in areas prone to strong thunderstorms can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. While the spectacular displays of lightning and rumbling thunder can be awe-inspiring, they also bring with them the potential for damage to your home. But fear not! With a few easy prevention steps, you can fortify your home against nature’s fury and ensure your peace of mind during stormy weather.

Assess Your Surroundings

Ahead of a strong storm, take some time to assess your surroundings. Are there any trees that could potentially fall onto your home during a storm? Are your gutters clear of debris to prevent water damage? These are essential questions to consider when preparing your home for the upcoming weather challenges.

According to a study conducted by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, strong winds during thunderstorms are a leading cause of property damage. By trimming overhanging branches and securing loose outdoor items, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage to your property.

Reinforce Your Roof

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements, making it crucial to ensure its integrity before the storm season arrives. Research from the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety indicates that reinforcing roof structures can mitigate the risk of damage during high winds.

SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island recommends inspecting your roof for loose or damaged shingles and securing them promptly. Additionally, consider investing in hurricane straps or clips to strengthen the connection between your roof and walls, reducing the likelihood of structural damage during severe weather events.

Invest in Storm Shutters

Windows and glass doors are vulnerable points in your home’s defense against strong thunderstorms. Flying debris propelled by high winds can easily shatter unprotected windows, leading to interior damage and potential injuries.

Studies conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emphasize the effectiveness of storm shutters in preventing window breakage during severe storms. Installing storm shutters or impact-resistant glass can provide an extra layer of protection for your home and family.

Don’t wait until the next storm is looming on the horizon. Take proactive steps now to safeguard your home against nature’s wrath.

Contact SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island for fast storm restoration.

Avoiding Fear of Storms With Simple Planning | SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

6/4/2024 (Permalink)

You see the black clouds rolling in and have heard the forecast—storms are headed your way. As the dogs pace and your nerves start to rise, it can be hard to keep your calm as you decide what to do first.

Since our Texas weather can bring anything from hurricanes with coastal floods to severe thunderstorms that even stir up in the winter, it is important to do everything we can to react to any kind of storm appropriately.

With some simple planning, you can ensure your entire family knows what to do when severe weather is headed your way.

Knowing What to Look For

There is nothing quite as fun and relaxing as looking into the clouds with your kiddos and naming all the shapes you see. Take an afternoon to do just that, but talk about what storm clouds look like as well. Talk about how they can be dark blues, blacks or even green in color, and how they can look like a shelf or a big swirl in the sky. Let the kids know that if they see these clouds it is time to find a safe place to stay.

Along with telling them about the signs of storms they may visibly see, talk about the sounds they may hear. They need to know how to recognize even a distant rumble of thunder, as well as warning sirens that your home may be close enough to hear. Find out the next time there will be a test of weather sirens, and make sure your kids can listen. You can also let them hear what a weather radio warning sounds like if you have one.

Preparing for the Event

Along with helping them understand the sights and sounds of storms, you need to create a family weather emergency plan. Spend some time talking about where you would go in different scenarios. Show your kids the safest place to ride out thunderstorms and tornadoes, and walk them through what your family would do if an evacuation order is issued during a hurricane.

Brush up on your blanket fort skills and build a shelter to practice huddling together. Along with getting comfortable in a low space during storms, make sure your kids understand where to go if flood waters start to enter your home.

You likely already have an emergency kit for hurricane season, but make sure you update it regularly. Familiarize your kids with it, and let them add some personal items. Kids love flashlights, so let them find a special one to call their own and make sure you have plenty of batteries. Add their favorite shelf-stable snack and plenty of water to your kit as well.

Because our storms can knock power out for a long time, it is ideal to keep plenty of candles, first-aid supplies and some non-electronic toys in your kit. A card game that everyone can be distracted by is a great way to pass them time while you wait for the all-clear.

Keeping Calm

Fear and anxiety are common when it comes to storms, especially with the volatile weather we can experience here in Texas. Talk to your kids about the solid facts around severe weather, and make sure they understand that extreme damages aren’t always likely. Most homes will only see roof, siding and yard issues during a weather event.

The more you can encourage yourself and the rest of your family to remain calm, the safer everyone will stay in every storm that heads our way. Make a plan, and stick to it. When everyone knows what to do, you can all face severe weather with confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Outdoor Grilling Safety: Protect Your Home | SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

6/4/2024 (Permalink)

The Importance of Fire Safety in Outdoor Activities

With the warmer weather upon us, many homeowners in the East Brownsville and South Padre Island areas are gearing up for outdoor activities like grilling, bonfires, and camping. While these activities are enjoyable, it’s crucial to prioritize fire safety to prevent accidents and protect your property.

Understanding the Risks

According to the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor fires result in thousands of accidents and injuries each year, with property damage costing millions of dollars. Whether you’re firing up the grill for a weekend barbecue or gathering around a campfire with friends, it’s essential to be aware of potential hazards and take steps to mitigate them.

Tips for Safe Outdoor Grilling
  1. Keep a Safe Distance: Position your grill at least 10 feet away from your home or any flammable materials to prevent fires from spreading.
  2. Stay Alert: Never leave your grill unattended while it’s in use. Keep a close eye on it and have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.
  3. Clean Your Grill Regularly: Grease buildup can increase the risk of flare-ups. Clean your grill after each use to prevent accidents.
  4. Check for Gas Leaks: If you’re using a gas grill, inspect the hoses and connections for leaks before lighting it.
Bonfire and Camping Fire Safety

When enjoying a bonfire or camping trip, it’s essential to follow these safety tips:

  1. Choose a Safe Location: Pick a spot for your bonfire or campfire that is away from trees, bushes, and other flammable materials.
  2. Keep it Contained: Use a fire pit or ring to contain the flames and prevent them from spreading.
  3. Extinguish Properly: Completely extinguish the fire before leaving it unattended or going to bed. Pour water over the embers and stir them to ensure everything is out.

In the unfortunate event of a fire-related incident, SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island is here to assist you. Our team specializes in fire damage restoration, helping homeowners and small business owners recover from the aftermath of fires quickly and efficiently.

Don’t let a fire ruin your outdoor fun. Prioritize fire safety and take the necessary precautions to protect your property and loved ones.

For more information and expert assistance, visit SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island today.

Outdoor Fire Safety: Protect Your Home | SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

campfire style bonfire with dark night background Don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island to ensure a fun and safe night.
The Importance of Fire Safety in Outdoor Activities

With the warmer weather upon us, many homeowners in the East Brownsville and South Padre Island areas are gearing up for outdoor activities like grilling, bonfires, and camping. While these activities are enjoyable, it’s crucial to prioritize fire safety to prevent accidents and protect your property.

Understanding the Risks

According to the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor fires result in thousands of accidents and injuries each year, with property damage costing millions of dollars. Whether you’re firing up the grill for a weekend barbecue or gathering around a campfire with friends, it’s essential to be aware of potential hazards and take steps to mitigate them.

Tips for Safe Outdoor Grilling
  1. Keep a Safe Distance: Position your grill at least 10 feet away from your home or any flammable materials to prevent fires from spreading.
  2. Stay Alert: Never leave your grill unattended while it’s in use. Keep a close eye on it and have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.
  3. Clean Your Grill Regularly: Grease buildup can increase the risk of flare-ups. Clean your grill after each use to prevent accidents.
  4. Check for Gas Leaks: If you’re using a gas grill, inspect the hoses and connections for leaks before lighting it.
Bonfire and Camping Fire Safety

When enjoying a bonfire or camping trip, it’s essential to follow these safety tips:

  1. Choose a Safe Location: Pick a spot for your bonfire or campfire that is away from trees, bushes, and other flammable materials.
  2. Keep it Contained: Use a fire pit or ring to contain the flames and prevent them from spreading.
  3. Extinguish Properly: Completely extinguish the fire before leaving it unattended or going to bed. Pour water over the embers and stir them to ensure everything is out.

In the unfortunate event of a fire-related incident, SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island is here to assist you. Our team specializes in fire damage restoration, helping homeowners and small business owners recover from the aftermath of fires quickly and efficiently.

Don’t let a fire ruin your outdoor fun. Prioritize fire safety and take the necessary precautions to protect your property and loved ones.

For more information and expert assistance, visit SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island today.

Avoiding Fear of Storms With Simple Planning | SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island to help you recover.

You see the black clouds rolling in and have heard the forecast—storms are headed your way. As the dogs pace and your nerves start to rise, it can be hard to keep your calm as you decide what to do first.

Since our Texas weather can bring anything from hurricanes with coastal floods to severe thunderstorms that even stir up in the winter, it is important to do everything we can to react to any kind of storm appropriately.

With some simple planning, you can ensure your entire family knows what to do when severe weather is headed your way.

Knowing What to Look For

There is nothing quite as fun and relaxing as looking into the clouds with your kiddos and naming all the shapes you see. Take an afternoon to do just that, but talk about what storm clouds look like as well. Talk about how they can be dark blues, blacks or even green in color, and how they can look like a shelf or a big swirl in the sky. Let the kids know that if they see these clouds it is time to find a safe place to stay.

Along with telling them about the signs of storms they may visibly see, talk about the sounds they may hear. They need to know how to recognize even a distant rumble of thunder, as well as warning sirens that your home may be close enough to hear. Find out the next time there will be a test of weather sirens, and make sure your kids can listen. You can also let them hear what a weather radio warning sounds like if you have one.

Preparing for the Event

Along with helping them understand the sights and sounds of storms, you need to create a family weather emergency plan. Spend some time talking about where you would go in different scenarios. Show your kids the safest place to ride out thunderstorms and tornadoes, and walk them through what your family would do if an evacuation order is issued during a hurricane.

Brush up on your blanket fort skills and build a shelter to practice huddling together. Along with getting comfortable in a low space during storms, make sure your kids understand where to go if flood waters start to enter your home.

You likely already have an emergency kit for hurricane season, but make sure you update it regularly. Familiarize your kids with it, and let them add some personal items. Kids love flashlights, so let them find a special one to call their own and make sure you have plenty of batteries. Add their favorite shelf-stable snack and plenty of water to your kit as well.

Because our storms can knock power out for a long time, it is ideal to keep plenty of candles, first-aid supplies and some non-electronic toys in your kit. A card game that everyone can be distracted by is a great way to pass them time while you wait for the all-clear.

Keeping Calm

Fear and anxiety are common when it comes to storms, especially with the volatile weather we can experience here in Texas. Talk to your kids about the solid facts around severe weather, and make sure they understand that extreme damages aren’t always likely. Most homes will only see roof, siding and yard issues during a weather event.

The more you can encourage yourself and the rest of your family to remain calm, the safer everyone will stay in every storm that heads our way. Make a plan, and stick to it. When everyone knows what to do, you can all face severe weather with confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Dealing With Odors After a Water Leak | SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your restoration needs.

Picture this: You get home and find water all over the floor. That’s not the most wonderful image, especially if you have been away from home for more than a few hours! It could be from the dishwasher, the refrigerator or simply just an open window during a rainstorm.

No matter where water damage came from, cleanup often requires much more than just a few towels or a mop and bucket. Water moves incredibly fast, and it can find its way into lots of places you may never think to look.

The faster you can get a professional’s help when a leak strikes in your home, the better.

Addressing Water Leaks

When water starts seeping throughout your home, it can damage floors, cabinets, walls and anything else in its path. Even after you have dried up water under furniture or appliances, it could still find its way into places that are pretty challenging to reach.

As you do clean up a visible water leak, make sure to pay close attention to what walls and flooring are around the leak area. Water under carpets or behind walls won’t dry on its own. These spaces are too tight and don’t have enough airflow to allow for evaporation. Instead, moisture can linger long-term—creating more and more damage the longer it goes unaddressed.

Eventually, the structure of your home will even be affected. Metal support systems will rust, while mold begins to set in on every organic surface it can find. Mold moves quickly, and in a short amount of time, you can be dealing with major outbreak

Following Your Nose

As mold begins to set up, it create a musty odor. If you smell something earthy and damp, there is a good chance something bad is happening out of sight. Use your nose to attempt to locate the source, but whether you can see signs of mold or not, it is time to call in our professional restoration experts.

Our team is highly trained in handling everything that comes along with water damage, including mold and odors. We will repair or replace warped floors and damaged walls. We can even rebuild parts of your home that are severely damaged.

Our crew will also seek out and stop mold growth, sealing any areas as needed in order to ensure it doesn’t come back. Everything in the area will be sanitized to start eliminating smells.

Once we know the problem area is well-cared for, we will go beyond where the leak was and make sure HVAC vents are clean and your air is filtered. Surfaces will be disinfected, too. Our goal is to make your space feel—and smell—like yours again. Whatever that takes, we’ve got it handled!

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

SERVPRO: Your Odor Removal Experts | SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

4/29/2024 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we have a network of experts across the country that are ready to handle your every restoration and professional cleaning need. While you may know that we are the mold, fire, storm and water restoration professionals to call after a disaster, we can also handle the intense smells that are often left behind after an event.

When a disaster strikes, the stress that follows in the recovery process can be intense, and worrying about how things smell when all is said and done is likely the last thing on your mind.

Every kind of disaster, whether water, fire or storm, will leave behind nasty odors that could linger long term when not remediated quickly. Even a home that looks incredibly clean could be hiding odors in places you never even imagined.

If you find yourself constantly wondering what that smell is, call in the professionals and kick the smell out completely.

Odor Removal Techniques

Odors are the result of airborne particles from chemicals and gasses. Once the source of the smell has been removed, our professionals will use a scientific method to employ a mixture of deodorization and other products along with other procedures designed to remove odors.

Some of the products we use include:

Masking agents. These products do not remove smells; instead, they cover them in order to create a more pleasant environment to work in as the restoration project moves forward.

Filtration agents. Agents that absorb odors are used on furniture and other construction materials. These highly absorptive compounds can also trap odors in the air and filter them out.

Disinfectants and sanitizers. These kinds of substances are used in areas with bacteria and fungi growth to kill them at their source and stop the resulting release of smells.

These are not the only techniques our experts will use, but they are three of the most commonly employed in the restoration process.

The Signature 4-Step Process

The process for removing odors has four main parts:

1. Remove the source. The first step in odor remediation will always be identifying and removing the source in order to stop the spread of the particles causing the smell.

2. Clean residue from surfaces. Once the source of the odor is removed, the next step is to clean all surfaces and deodorize as effectively as possible. This will stop any additional odors that could be left behind.

3, Recreate the odor-causing conditions. In order to penetrate all the same surfaces that the initial disaster touched, our pros will employ deodorizers in the same fashion as what caused the problem. This means if your home has smoke damage, a deodorizing smoke will be used to correct it.

4. Seal exposed surfaces. When a situation is extreme, it may require sealing surfaces to block odors from escaping rather than removing them. This process is used when odor removal is too expensive or impractical for the situation.

Effective odor removal requires fast action. If you have faced a serious problem in your home, SERVPRO of East Brownsville & South Padre Island is ready to respond right away to mitigate as much damage as possible. We are locally owned and operated, which means that we are just around the corner and always ready for you.

If you experience an odor or other damage inside your home or business, call us at any time, 247. We have the training and equipment to quickly get your property back in operation.

What to Know About Water Seepage | SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

4/29/2024 (Permalink)

You may not be aware of water leaking into your house, but there are ways you can detect an intrusion. Lowered air quality including a damp or musty smell, cracks, and peeling paint can all indicate that your home is taking in moisture that could lead to damages in your home’s foundation.

A leak in the house can lead to damages, including rusted appliances. While there are several indicators to watch for, the most obvious one will be water on the floor.

Learn the causes of water leaks in order to avoid damages that could become extensive to your home.

Water Fixture Leaks

Sinks are one of the common sources of water leaks in the home. A hole in a water line or deteriorated caulk around bathtubs, toilets or showers can lead to seepage.

Take the time to check around these areas regularly, and stop leaks before they can cause extreme damages. A tiny leak can lead to more than a thousand gallons of wasted water each year.

Water From Appliances

Appliances are a common source of leaks in the house. Refrigerators that have an ice maker or other water source and dishwashers are two appliances that have a high risk of unseen longterm leaks that could lead to damages to your floor that will require extensive and costly restoration.

To look for an appliance leak, unplug water-containing appliances and then pull them away from the wall. Check behind them and underneath them for puddles, damp spots or mold growth. Call us if you notice any issues to get things taken care of quickly and correctly before the disaster can worsen.

External Sources

Not all water leaks come from the inside, though. There are external sources that could lead to a slow leak that creeps in through windows and doors or a full flood if the weather turns intense.

We have seen flooding in our area from multiple sources, including coastal flooding and heavy rain storms that brought flash flooding. We have also contended with hurricanes that brought storm surges and high water levels to all of our water sources. It is essential for everyone in this area to have a flood plan in order to keep their home protected.

Fortunately, you can create a plan to manage these risks. You need to prepare your home and maintain a prepared home all year in order to ensure water stays out and to avoid damages.

Keep an eye on your gutters, downspouts and roof as the first way of protecting your house. Gutters that are filled with leaves can cause overflowing water that trickles down through the roof and damages the walls or foundation. Keep the area around your downspouts clear, and clean your gutters on a regular basis to keep water moving away from your home.

Your windows and doors should also be checked periodically to ensure their seals are secure. Seals that have loosened or broken down let excessive moisture enter your home that can promote mold growth.

The landscaping around your property can help move water away from your home. Create slopes outside your home with organic materials in order to protect your basement from water intrusion. When your home is ready for anything, you can rest well knowing you are protected.

If you experience water damage inside your home or business, call us247. We have the experience and equipment to get your property back in working order fast.

Flood Prevention Inside the Home and Out | SERVPRO® of East Brownsville & South Padre Island

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Protecting your home from flooding is important for everyone, all around the nation. Just an inch of water can mean substantial damage and can cost you a huge amount of money for repairs.

If your neighborhood isn’t one at risk for frequent floods, you may not qualify for financial assistance with your insurance or with federal sources. Therefore, any preventative measures you can take are essential.

We have seen year after year the challenges that flooding poses being so close to the Gulf. Our corner of Texas has experienced river flooding, coastal flooding and storm surges that have taken out entire neighborhoods. Take the time to check on your home’s risk factors and learn as much as you can about the risks our region faces.

<h3your-home-from-the-outside">Protecting Your Home From the Outside

Sometimes flooding can’t be predicted, and an unexpected rain will leave yards and gutters drenched. Get your home ready from the outside in and lower the risk of damages to save on repairs.

Clean out your gutters to keep them clear of debris, sticks and leaves so water can flow away from your property. Extended downspouts are also an effective and inexpensive addition that will keep water moving in the right direction.

Organic materials like mulch can aid in protection when added near your home in a downward slope. Water will roll away from your foundation, and puddles will be avoided.

Landscaping can also be a great preventive tool and ensure that water doesn’t gather and enter into your home. Gardens are highly absorbent when heavy rains roll through. Water is pulled down into soil and roots rather than soaking your lawn and creating puddles.

There are a few upgrades to your home you could invest in for protection in all kinds of weather. Newer homes on the Island or near the coastline may already include raised electric and anchored fuel tanks, but if you are in an older home or farther away from water, adding these can offer protection when flooding occurs.

While these can cost a bit, something as simple as adding a rain barrel that collects water directly from your gutters is a cost effective way to keep water from ponding or puddling. It is also a great way to water the plants you added to your yard!

<h3protection-from-the-inside">Flood Protection From the Inside

A firm foundation and well-sealed basement are the best forms of protection for your home when it comes to external sources of flooding.

If your foundation is cracked, seal it. Install a sump pump in your basement or bottom floor that will pump any water out that comes in, and if your area is high-risk, spring for a battery-operated pump that will continue working even when the power goes out.

When a flood doesn’t come from outside, you can protect your house with easy home maintenance.

Pipes are one of the most common sources of water disasters in the home. Take care of pipes that have aged and be sure to stop leaks in order to prevent failures. Include checking your plumbing as a normal part of your house-cleaning routine in order to catch issues early.

Adding a sensor that detects leaks can also be a way to mitigate damages from water. Some security systems offer this add-on, so if you have been considering updating or adding a new system to your home, go for the upgrade. It will offer you a lot of peace of mind knowing that if water is flowing when it shouldn’t be, you can stop it fast.

Any kind of floodwater will damage paper goods and photographs right away when it takes over your home. Keep items that cannot be replaced stored up high or in a waterproof container. Your emergency contacts should also be stored somewhere safe—and should include SERVPRO. We have 247 availability and the experience to get your recovery started fast.

Experienced water damage in your home? Call SERVPRO today to get your restoration completed faster.